Natural Gas - Industrial Gas in El Manshia - Alexandria

Gamma For Petroleum Services - G.P.S

Address 54 Abou El Dardaa St., El Mansheya - Alexandria - Egypt
Category Petroleum Services | Petroleum Companies | Natural Gas - Industrial Gas

Petroleum Gas - Petrogas

Address Ahmed El Zomor St., Nasr City - Cairo - Egypt
Branches Ain Shams - Cairo Down Town - Cairo El Haram - Giza El Manial - Cairo
El Manshia - Alexandria
Keywords Gas -
Category Petroleum Services | Petroleum Companies | Natural Gas - Industrial Gas

Petroleum Trading Services - Petrotrade

Address 1 Masged El Haq St., El Sadat - Assiut - Egypt
Branches Abdeen - Cairo Ain Shams - Cairo Assiut - Assiut Aswan - Aswan
Banha - Qalubiya
Category Petroleum Services | Natural Gas - Industrial Gas

Italian Petroleum Services - IPS

Address 23 El Nasr St., El mansheya - Alexandria - Egypt
Category Petroleum Services | Natural Gas - Industrial Gas | Fire Fighting | Pipes - Supplies | Stainless Steel

Egyptian Chemical Industries - Kima

Address 11 El Tahrir Sq., El Mansheya - Alexandria - Egypt
Branches Down Town - Cairo El Manshia - Alexandria Aswan - Aswan
Keywords Adhesives Materials - Ammonium nitrate - Chemicals - Cosmetics - Fertilizer - Hydrogen gas - Silicon -
Category Natural Gas - Industrial Gas | Insulation Supplies | Fertilizers - Pesticides - Insecticides | Chemicals | Cosmetics | Adhesive Materials

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